ESRI에서도 Spatial ETL이 나왔습니다. ArcGIS 10.1에서 구동하는것으로 보이고요..
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* 사용법 - Spatial ETL 사용하기
- Right-click a toolbox
, point to New, then click Spatial ETL Tool from the shortcut menu.
The Create Translation Workspace Wizard opens. - Click the Format browse button, choose a format from the FME Reader Gallery dialog box, then click OK.
- Click Next.
- Click the Locate Source Data browse button, navigate to the file, then click Open.
- Click the Parameters button to edit the default FME reader parameters.Parameters can include optional and required settings and vary among formats.
- Click Next.
- Click the Locate Destination Format browse button, choose a format from the FME Writer Gallery dialog box, then click OK.
- Click Next.
- Click the Parameters button to edit the default FME writer parameters.Parameters can include optional and required settings and vary among formats.
- Click Next.
- Click Finish.Workbench opens with a diagram of your data flow.
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